Sunday 25 March 2012



The phase of being young or simply youth is that segment of any society which is in association with maximum sectors of the society. Young people’s chain of connection starts from their family, extends to their schools (or other educational institutions), and ultimately takes in the entire community. This relationship string coincides with the ultimate sphere of any society at numerous different spots, thereby, placing the youth in a visible yet exceedingly imperative location.

What else sets youth apart from other societal segments? Why this segment catches the attention of scores of people?
Youth, the most enthusiastic, spirited and passionate fragment of any society is believed to play a significant role in its development and progress. The energy and passion that pumps through their veins paints the society’s general picture. They are the successors of cultural evolution and carry the torch of modification and betterment for bringing far-reaching adjustments in a society. It is the youth's insight and capability that can carve out a successful future for any country. But this mold takes the form of the utensil it is placed in. Consequently, a great deal of consideration needs to be applied for their training and upbringing so that they always reflect the right thoughts.
Most developing countries face a similar dilemma while supplying the “musts” for the young people. In many such parts of the world youngsters are growing up without sufficient prospects, reliable information and satisfactory services which they need to reach their full potential. There is mounting evidence to prove that lack of investment and indifference to the needs of youth incur a high cost in terms of lost development opportunities, ill health and social, physical, mental disruption.
Pakistan at the moment houses the largest number of youth in its history. Young people constitute the biggest (67% of the total population fall in the age range 15-35 years) segment of Pakistani population. Out of the 15 most populated countries in the world, Pakistan has by far the youngest people. But what should such a young population be regarded as? A burden or an asset?

The challenges and constraints young people face today vary from region to region and culture to culture but the need for reforms cannot be ruled out. Most of the problems facing today’s youth are not restricted to any one ethnic or religious group rather it affects them by and large. In the past, discussions on youth have focused on issues such as drug abuse, crime, child labor, unemployment, poverty, drugs, guns and politics. In addition to these, today’s youth are afflicted by new challenges such as inferior-quality education, competitiveness in education, growing terrorism, political participation, adverse media effects, career counseling, job placement, confusion and ambiguity concerning moral issues and an identity crisis.
An excess of ruthless problems and social taboos has always blocked our youth’s smooth advancement towards betterment but even then they have been in the forefront of movements and political changes. In educational as well as recreational fields Pakistani youth has repeatedly proved its mettle. It is unfortunate that the youth, despite their contributions to national developments, find themselves trapped in a culture marked by guns, violence and drugs. All this has resulted in an unstable economy, a shattered assurance of foreign investors, lawlessness, and break-up of the social fabric and most prominently a sense of hopelessness, a lack of self confidence and low self esteem in our youngsters. These issues need to be dealt within new growth initiatives at national as well as provincial level else they may have serious repercussions.
Out of a multitude of predicaments facing us today, youth unemployment should be of particular concern within public and private sector, because youth unemployment may result in a reversal of the benefits of social development; subsequently halting the process of economic development. The youth potential if properly harnessed can bring a socio-economic revolution in Pakistan. On the contrary, if youth issues, perceptions, ideas, are not assessed and subsequently addressed in a timely manner it may turn into a ‘nightmare on street to prosperity.’
We have an opportunity to turn our very large and very young people into a productive asset by making the best of our demographic situation which provides our young with an extraordinary prospect to compete in whatever sphere they choose. This could contribute significantly to the economic growth and poverty alleviation. Both the government and society must join hands for this nation-building task and concentrate on protecting the emotional and physical health of the youth, providing skill-based education, provision of recreational facilities, employment, and above all incorporation of self-confidence, motivation and courage to move forward.

There is no doubt that the youth have been at the centre of socio-economic and socio-political changes taking place in Pakistan and elsewhere. The period of the life under which the youth fall, is the most productive and energetic. But a failure to fully support our present "asset" as well as next generation of parents and leaders can result grievously. If their energies are not channeled appropriately they will fail to draw on the opportunities that come their way.
They say that recognition is the first step towards resolving a problem. Let us thus recognize that we have a serious challenge on our hands: to ensure that today’s children (tomorrow’s adults) would experience a better world than we are living in today. Let us all join hands and work towards the achievement of this objective. A proactive strategy is forever best than a reactive approach. Let us thus be prepared and not wait for a catastrophe to occur.

The most important step to be taken by the Government of Pakistan, in this regard, is revision and revival of a national youth policy which must be created in a way that aspires to create situations whereby youth stand educated, employed and free from drug abuse, frustration, negativity, intolerance and other evils which have jolted the very foundations of our society. We have to prepare our youth to face the challenges of the time with unshakable courage and youthful confidence. 

Asra Khurshid

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