Saturday 31 March 2012


Problems do come in with time in every phase of nation’s building and such issue should be dealt with courage and zeal. It is not just the responsibility of the leader of a country to resolve them but the youth and generation holds some responsibilities as well. We should not be sitting idle at homes and continue accusing our leaders and government. Why do we always condemn others for whatever is going on wrong in our surrounding? Blaming our government, our leaders, our rulers and in the end our own country. Even though it is a bare truth but do you think just blaming and pinpointing out other’s fault is actually going to bring out a change. Will it make a difference? NO! I don’t think so. So why don’t you give it a thought people. If you want to see your country, Pakistan into a next level, so people make a move. Bring about the change which you know you are capable of. We all know we are inbuilt with countless talent in our society which is not getting that popularity which it deserves to get and no one bothers to prosper it.
Talent which is not recognized in any country is a noticeable shame and considered as disregarding the assets of the country.
• Immense talent is enrolling in Pakistan’s Theatre scene. There is a lot talent in the field of performing arts in Pakistan but we lack in theatre opportunities. Our youth is full of passion, brightness and intelligence but there is the absence of professional guidance and also the avenues where such talent can be portrayed.
• Some of our youngsters are excelling in the field of sports and taking our country’s name into the Olympics. Like a Pakistani girl athlete, Naseem Hameed becomes the fastest 100-metre race runner woman in South Asia. Our first Pakistani winter Olympian brings pride by registering Pakistan in the Olympics in Vancouver. These are just a few examples from our sporting history as many others had made a history in Pakistan sports.
• Pakistan’s fashion industry is growing on rapid scale and Pakistani Fashion Boutiques are creating a buzz in many foreign countries. Our youth is providing us with many young fashion designers and great innovative minds as well.
• Our youth is excelling in educational fields as well by scoring higher ranks; hence we have many geniuses in our Pakistan. They just need to be encouraged, instead of being pressurized, so they can achieve their goals and can bring pride and glory to this country.
These are a few examples of our country’s positive side, yet there are many more to be told.
Why should we give others the right to speak over our country and let them erode the soul of our nation despite of the fact that we deserve something better?

Let us raise our voice for international and national progress. We should unite and join hands to raise the flag of Pakistan. Let the phoenix rise above the ashes.
Unza Rehan
ID: 10U0520


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