
Sunday 1 April 2012

Part Time Jobs For Local Youth

Perhaps not in Pakistan, but in almost every other country part time jobs are one of the most important means of earning money to pay off tuition fees for both schools and universities. In the United States, youngsters are legally able to take up a part time job at the tender age of 14. The terms of the part time job include not more than three hours of work a day, plus no work after 7 pm. on school nights. They get paid as well, around $ 1500 to $ 2000 a month.  
          Part time jobs are a good way for kids to start making their own money and get hands on experience as well. Most of Pakistan’s youngsters rely on their parents’ to pay their school and college fees, whereas abroad students are encouraged to take up jobs to supplement the heavy burden of college expenses. Creating part time jobs for our youth will be useful because it can teach kids the skills they will need throughout their whole life, such as filling out job application forms, handling interviews, working with superiors and getting along with co workers as well. It would serve as their second education, helping them better choose what they want to do in futurePlus in addition to less financial pressure on parents, part time jobs teach kids how to handle their own finances responsibly. It helps to expand their social network when they interact with all sorts of people they come acrossThis helps to improve their social skills, teaches them tolerance and patience when dealing with others, which can be extremely handy in their future life. Students learn to divide their time for studies, work and play, hence improving their time management skills. They learn the real value of money when they get to earn their own allowance and spend it on food, clothes and other such necessities. It serves as a training tool which will help them better handle their finances when they undergo a transition to start their own full time jobs in future 
    There are countless opportunities out there to grow and explore one’s capabilities. From being a tutor to a dental assistantchild care worker or perhaps a personal trainer, the possibilities are endless. Part time jobs allow students to choose their own working hours and days they wish to collaborate with their school/college hours. During vacations, instead of lazying around the house and wasting time, part time jobs will help our youth explore their talent and potiental in any way they want to, all along with the benefit of earning extra money. This concept should not only be restricted to internships for college students who do them as a formality. These jobs should be encouraged everywhere and for everybody. Even mothers do part time jobs abroad, in an attempt to bring home some extra money.   
    Our government needs to promote the concept of part time jobs amongst our youth. The issues of safety need to addressed as well since no parents would send their kids to work in a place which is considered unsafe. Other issues that may arise are students becoming negligent towards studies or may not spend time with family or friends anymore.  
However overall, part time jobs are an excellent way for our local youth to get some experience, extra money, learn responsibility and better equip themselves for permanent jobs in future.  

Sarah Uzair  


    good effort by the way some things are changed due to inflation and downsizing in other countries
    but there will always be problem for part time jobs here in PAKISTAN or all over the world

  2. Awesome Sarah. I support your idea as part time jobs can play a vital role in increasing the skill set of an individual. It also means better utilization of PAKISTAN's human resource. Awareness should be created related to this topic. Good going Sarah.

  3. Good going girl, this area is highly neglected and its a great point to pick up.. However it is easily imaginable that it might still take many years for this to come around part-time jobs are a luxury that a country with unemployment as high as Pakistan cannot afford.
    Certain more important issues need to be dealt first before this area can be explored, nice effort though.

  4. yes indeed. part time jobs can be an asset if rightly exploited by our country. plus it would a be a lot of fun too !!!

  5. Hmmm. this is very true. coutries like Pakistan do need more part time jobs for the youth. Without actual experience the education given in the four walls of a classroom may not be all that effective..

  6. Impressive!
    I also support your idea that part time job can play a vital role.Infact now a days its become necessary for middle class students to have a part time job to fulfill their requirements as well as their education expenses.
    Yah rite it would be a lot of fun too!!

  7. we have little or no opportunities for part time jobs here.. the matter should be considered and taken care off asap :/

  8. very nicely written, and even i think that if you work and study together, you would be able get more out of yourself.

  9. great job sarah! u have nicely highlighted a crucial issue ... no doubt this way not only youth will gain exposure to corporate world but this will also endure a sense of responsibility and empowerment in them which our nation sadly lacks a great deal

  10. yes indeed ! having such opportunities for our students and youngters in general will greatly increase their experince and exposure to the working environment of the outside world. plus they will be able to handle their finances more responsibly too !!!

  11. i totally agree with ur stance of part time jobs! it gives experince to the student and the much needed expsoure! students can fulfill their needs few of them themselves and dont burdern your parents with every responsibilty

  12. well we can learn alot from part time jobs it will be essential for our futre.....

  13. Good job and you can find more jobs from here

    Jobs in Muzafargarh

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