
Sunday 1 April 2012

Dogs at the Dinner table

Wikipedia defines thoughts as being a mental or intellectual activity that involves an individual’s subjective consciousness. Some brains in this sense are active all the time, while others may function in a rather periodic way. The question is, is that really the case, or is a brain drained with the flow of thoughts all the time?
The answer is how much of the time you really realize it, that you are thinking. It is true the greatest sense is the sense of realization, which is there every while you realize the happening of something. The existence. This really depends on the nature of thoughts you are having, if the nature correlates to the one that is seems tempting to your mind, the frequency of you realizing of thinking about thinking is more. While on the other hand thoughts that bother you in a negative way can have an adverse affect, too much of them and your mind will be drowned.
Thoughts can be misleading, as they are the shortest distance between two people, a thought is. We live in an increasingly alienated society because we, for the most part, have stopped thinking. We let others do our thinking for us, like political analysts. We are enraptured by other people’s thought and not necessarily those of our own. We should consider what we think.
I think it is not enough to have thoughts. It pays to visit them every once in a while. Write them down. Connect them. Make them rich and full of meaning. Maybe age will eventually ravage the internal structure of the brain, but not necessarily. Many folks want to know what you think, while you still can. Man is born alone, he’ll die alone and his mind ponders alone. This lonely wonderer can find aid and live in a self created and self pleasing illusion or this can come to his utmost fears and begin to haunt him in a self destruction delusion.
Thoughts as fascinating they are, they are but controllable and hence must be because too much of everything is bad, but they are nothing but voices of our sub-conscious, in our head all the time, bitching or joking about people all the time, keep you entertained, in short they are like dogs, bark a little..”Cute”, bark louder, that’s agitating. Your mind is their dinner table, they are all we are and they can make us all that we want to become, just don’t cuddle them to the point where they hop up the couch and get on your lap, let the dogs be your company for a walk and be at your service at your command.

Zainab Nadeem

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