
Wednesday 4 April 2012


I got madly in love with him. His memory was as fresh in my mind as ever. I had been happy with my husband, Omer and my daughter Alina , but the look on his face made me forget everything. He turned me into a new leaf. He made me do things I thought I was never capable of. I worshipped him. His voice was like magic. His eyes were like gems gleaming in the sunlight, his touch like velvet. I gave him my existence, my soul ,my love, my life but in return I got something that shattered me into pieces so small that it became impossible to gather up myself .He left me the day we got married. I waited, hoping against hope that he will come back. A pain that wrecked waves of hurt through my chest and made it impossible to breathe. I was throw mercilessly into darkness, a darkness where there was no moon no light no life. His leaving made me realize what I actually had lost that day I realized what I had been. The person I had loved so passionately and blindly had been nothing but an intruder who had ruined my whole life.
I usually bombard myself with questions, But never get an answer silence is all what I get which kills me inside. I regret those days I regret that time.
Fatima Iqbal

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