
Sunday 25 March 2012

The Real Dilemma

It is not rare to hear the phrase; “Pakistan’s future is very bright, because we have a seven crore youth population.” Most don’t even know whether the exact number is six, seven or eight! Yet, this has become part of the most widely used rhetoric about our country’s future and this rhetoric is even more prevalent on our national days. But, the problem with this assertion is quite simple, an army can have the best weapons in the world, but if it doesn’t use them properly and effectively it still loses the war.
The same is true for our youth; I would be stupid to deny the fact that our youth in a large percentage of our population (66% in fact) and that it is full of talented people who have great potential.

The importance that is given to the youth of Pakistan as a possible and likely solution to the consistently deteriorating condition of our country is well known. The problem is that this importance fails to overstep the boundaries of words preached by politicians and thought of by the impractical sect of our population.

The need for arming our youth with the weapons and tools required to pull our country out of the abyss that it is falling into, is inevitable. The proper channeling of the potential that the youth holds, is facing a few challenges

• The education emergency prevailing in our country. Only 5% of the population makes it to university level education. An uneducated youth cannot do what is expected of them
• The high rate of unemployment ( currently at 20%) is another problem that reserves the minds of young people to worrying about getting jobs rather than being productive for the country
• The blatant disregard for opinions held by any other person than ourselves is the third problem. There seems to be no consensus at all even on the minutest of issues.

These are some among many hurdles that the youth of Pakistan is having to face, rendering them unable to do what the country is in dire need of.

Making a note of these problems, what we need to understand I that nothing is ever handed to anyone on a silver platter. We, the youth, will have to work hard to overcome the situation that we are in. Change cannot be brought about overnight. It takes time but it is worthwhile to work hard for.

Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah in a message to the All Pakistan Educational Conference in Karachi on November 27, 1947, said: “What we have to do is to mobilise our people and build up the character of our future generation. In short, this means the highest sense of honour, integrity, selfless service to the nation and sense of responsibility, and we have to see that our people are fully qualified and equipped to play their part in the various branches of economic life in a manner which will do honour to Pakistan.”

This message is a simple and concise guideline as to what we need to do in order to make Pakistan the Pakistan that our true leaders dreamed of and our ancestors worked for. I call upon you all to remember the three basic values that Quaid e Azam wanted us to have:
“Unity, Faith, Discipline.”

Mahnoor Qudoos


  1. Good blog indeed. Our country may be facing some hard times , but there is a bit of light around the corner and thats is youth. Future of our country is now in their hands. In my point of view they can even write a new history.

  2. A great blog here pointing out some of the main issues related to our doomed educational planning structure for the foreseeable future.
    Not only is this the government's negligence towards education but also basics of creating civic sense in the society that comes with proper law enforcement and equality.

  3. It is true that we all as a nation are going through a phase where we are learning from the mistakes of our elders and their mismanagement in every walk of life and along with that we as an intellegent youth constantly compare ourselves and our country with other progressive nations.our youth has undoubtedly a very sensitive and competetive nature, which certainly would take it to redressment.All it needs is the good guidence according to our GOD's will and shariya and constant struggle and hard work based on moral values which is very important to set an example for the upcomming youth......................................(irram mughees)

  4. irram mughees...............
    It is true that as a nation we all are going through a phase where we are learning through the mistakes of our elders and their mismanagement in every walk of life.we as an intellegent,sensitive and competetive youth constantly compre ourselves with other progressive nations,which undoubtedly would take us to redressment.All we need is good guidence according to our GOD's will and shariya along with constant struggle and hard work based on moral values .

  5. Yes indeed!
    Education is needed in our country more than anything, particuarly of the ones who go abroad and do not bother to come back to their home and make it a better place with their foreign much needed education.
    Nicely written article !!!

  6. A true and fully justified description of youth has been delineated in the blog. In addition to the above, it is essential to consider the roles of our leaders. The youth needs to be provided with appropriate ambience where they can fully utilize their capabilities and find the right course of direction for their objectives.

  7. "• The high rate of unemployment ( currently at 20%) is another problem that reserves the minds of young people to worrying about getting jobs rather than being productive for the country
    • The blatant disregard for opinions held by any other person than ourselves is the third problem. There seems to be no consensus at all even on the minutest of issues."

    The first point, isn't it suggesting that getting jobs is counter-productive to the welfare of the country? In that case, what exact measures CAN we take that our productive for the country?

    And the second point, isn't that a huge generalization? I know this problem does exist, but that doesn't mean that there's no concensus on ANY issues at all, or for that matter that all people are so self-involved

  8. Indeed a very enlighten blog to read.Surely this is the very few challenges that Pakistan is facing Uneducated youth,Unemployment perhaps the utmost challenge.And if we talk about the current major Problems that Pakistan itself facing is shortage of electricity,gas.

  9. What you've written is true indeed. But besides the challenges being given by the government the youth as well needs to realize what they are for this country,what role they will be playing in the future-making of this country only then we can make Pakistan a better place.
    Keep writing, i'm really impressed by the way you've expressed the circumstances of our country. Good job!

  10. I hope this wonderfully written article will wake up our sleeping youth. Normally these days people say that Why should I protest, when I can still afford everything, when I can manage my kitchen and house with ease? This attitude is killing us one by one. But at the same time these kinds of blogs and articles written by a group of pupils of same age really surprised me!!!
    Youth can play a vital role in promoting the ideals of peace and tolerance in the society and it is very encouraging that young people in Pakistan have an urge to contribute to the collective betterment of the society.

  11. Good article this sure highlights the importance of youth in the society and surely projects how could the young generation use their potential to make a change ... youth is the most emotional and active part of this county ... their potential can be diverted by making them realize about their strength "THE RIGHT TO CAST A VOTE" ... the youth owns a fresh and creative minds and if they indulge it in a positive way they sure can pick this country from the ground and take it to the heights!!! Pakistan is a country jeweled with every kind of resources which proves that we are nothing less then another country...SO the youth first of all needs to understand the importance of education as QUAID E AZAM SAID "Pakistan is proud of her youth, particularly the students, who are nation builders of tomorrow. They must fully equip themselves by discipline, education, and training for the arduous task lying ahead of them." so first of all students should not jumble education and politics ,, they should first of all complete their education and then come forward for a better pakistan..

  12. good article. this should be an eye opener for the high ups.

  13. a fine diagnoses of the ailment of our educational system. I wish there be someone to listen to the problems of our youth.

  14. SHUJA UL HASSAN KHAN28 March 2012 at 20:42

    A well organized, scholastic and thought provoking article. One needs to understand the burden that lies on our shoulders and surely will this article add a lot to the way we must acknowledge our duties. TWO THUMBS UP...........!

  15. Good article.I wish someone pay attention and listen to the problems of our youth but the youth needs to be united and realize what they are for their country as well then we can make PAKISTAN better.

  16. Well written article! Good example of how realism doesn't necessarily have to incorporate pessimism. Absolutely true, and the point that the brain drain phenomenon is very common in Pakistan should be noted. People who manage to get a quality education often want to go abroad where the standards of living are higher as well as where there is a more favorable job market. Electricity and water problems, for instance, may actually hold significance in shaping the decisions of youth with "potential" who are debating whether or not to stay in Pakistan. More opportunities and higher standards of living are a MUST for motivating our younger generations.

  17. Really good article.The issue raised, power of the youth, is one of the most crucial issue at present. Our politicians and many other opportunist factions of society exploit the youth's power for their personal benefits.

  18. Outstanding article successfully streamlining the issues of the young generation of Pakistan.

  19. WAQAS HAFEEZ HANJRA28 March 2012 at 22:18

    Awesome effort ! Truthfully speaking, I haven't read such an excellent article about youth by a young student herself. Outstanding....!

  20. Read your article and found it simply awesome because it's a good step towards youth empowerment.

  21. Young generation is suffering most at the cost of less awareness.This article is a step forward in the direction of youth's betterment.

  22. Its really disheartening to know that with so much talent we have and still we are suffering... its just we dont have the right platform to exhibit it.... pls Government do something..... jobs?????

  23. the youth in all the eastern countries are suffering and they should try to do something , this generation is passing trough disasters just because of the wrong governments!!

  24. Indeed, it is a well known fact that we always feel at ease after putting all our expectations on the shoulders of the youth, no doubt, Pakistan's youth has potential, but it is very sad situation that most of the times this power is being misused and mishandled in shape of the protest calls for politicians, and many other political issues.
    The problems that you have explained are definitely the root of this issue.. on the whole very well written article.
    best of luck in future.

  25. Mahmood Tahir Ch.28 March 2012 at 23:15

    I agree, we need to increase the literacy rate , so the real percentage of youth can actually emerge as the power pillar of our nation, secondly , we need to spread awareness in our youth about the real problems of this country, we need to make them more well rooted in Pakistan so that they don't think of leaving the country as soon as they can , if they can widen their stream of thought and try to be more loyal to the county, its going to be the real benefit for Pakistan.
    well written article

  26. Mrs. Uzma Tahir28 March 2012 at 23:19

    i need to appreciate your effort on this, it was good to read the article and know that our youth is getting more and more aware of the basic problems, this is the first step towards solving the problem, weldone

  27. only if we try to follow the sayings of the great Quaid, we are definitely going to be the real future of this country.

  28. Syeda Zahra Bokhari28 March 2012 at 23:22

    Every political party, stake holder and even the media is doing nothing but exploiting the youth... using the youth, trying to give them lollipops and becoming leaders... we are being exploited! But for what we are waiting ?? whom to trust? whom to to ask? If we know all the consequences of it then we should step up.. Only need is to unite. “united we stand Divided we fall”.

  29. undoubtedly a mind nourishing script...our youth is still work in progress, despite of all the flare and competencies possessed by youth it still is straying govt till date has initiated steps to extract maximum out of them which eventually has dented pakistan quite ferociously..they need to be endowed with a platform where they could express themselves.....and for this we need to adhere to the teachings of Quran,Sunnah and then our forefathers..

  30. nice write up....chanelising our flamboyant youth has become imperative today but unfotunately corruption and lack of education has thwarted the progress

  31. Once i saw a sketch in which a young boy was entering into the university from front gate and a donkey was leaving from the back gate.No doubt illiteracy is the biggest hurdle in the progress of our country.It breeds unemployment and many other social evils .education is not a priority here.Intolerance is the direct outcome of illiteracy.But no need to be pessimistic our youth have enough back bone to come out of such petty problems .............. sky is the limit.

  32. i am totally agree with you mahnoor

  33. Well written article.. i think its only the youth which can play a vital role in a countrys progress.. government should cooperate with youngsters to make this Country a better place to live in.

  34. Undoubtely "unity" "faith" and "discipline" are the qualities that a nation should possess to be distinguished in this world and the only thing we can do to develop these qualities is to work hard for the prosperity and betterment of our country,PAKISTAN.

  35. An excellent insight into the real nature of the problem that Pakistan is facing. As the author implores the youth to wake up, I agree that it will have to be now, it will have to be us. A change will not be possible if we keep waiting for the government to do something for us

  36. Well written. The palpable conviction in these words is appreciable. This article should be promoted on a broader and a more accessible scale than merely a blog. I irrevocably back the author's urge for the youth to hold on to the values that our great Quaid preached.

  37. A stimulating article. This endeavor should be seen as an initiative that the blogger has taken and provided us young people with a long needed stimulus to take the reigns in our own hands and for once, do something for ourselves.

  38. have read many articles but havent seen a change ,, writing articles and showing off have never ignited a change until or unless every body decides that they want a change!

  39. @jazzy some thing is better than nothing all that our youth misses is a kick start ,,, and if some one tried it even in the form of article and in such a wonderful and expressive way than sure change can be brought

  40. no effort is useless well said by the author ,,, every body need to understand the integrity and importance of the sonario and act accordingly!

  41. youth is a emotional category of nation,, their strength and emotions should be manipulated correctly and you will sure have a change my friend!

  42. wonderful article really made me understand the worth of the youth specifically well said by the author hats off :)

  43. a technical and crucial moment for the youth,, the youth just lack in realization and e day the understand what they are lacking at they sure will bring a change !

  44. the youth misses only a spark @Muhammad Arif and who knows if this article work as a spark...

  45. our problem is that we have started to rely on our govt the same govt which has done nothing for us its our time to bring a change now and we sure will ..

  46. Haider Durranii29 March 2012 at 16:47

    youth is the upcoming leaders ,, a wonderful approach by the author

  47. to take a stand for change will picl this country from darkness and will sure take us to the skies ,,, a well lesson for the youth good article .

  48. every droplet plays an important roll in the creation of every Sea ,, if we our self understand our worth as a drop we sure can combine up to become and sea and generate such a Tsunami that will sweep away injustice and cruelties for ever may ALLAH bless the youth!!

  49. Youth is the upcoming change for sure and the heroes of tomorrow !

  50. youth need to understand their importance and work as a team and no power can stop them then..

  51. stagnant youth is jus the replica of glut of talented youth....... youth shud b +vely motivated to work for the devlpment of pakistan.......

  52. its a blog to make the youth the aware of what the are and what they are supposed to be and supposed to be doing. youth was accepted and known for his appreciable works around the world but looking out the scenario of us (we the youth) i think that that we are not ready to accept any hard challenges which mat come across our life.

  53. u wrote very well and through lights on our country current issues.As part of our nation we have to take step for betterment of our country.You are exactly right that we must follow the basic rules of Quid e azam (UNIT,FAITH< DISCIPLINE).

  54. Very well written article. The current situation of our country have been well highlighted in a gist. I agree with your point of view that the youth should take a stand and step up, but along with that, i believe that Pakistanis of all ages should rise. Had it been Egypt or any other country, their public would not have tolerated such atrocities by the government. We, as a nation, have tolerated far too much for far too long, i believe. It's time for us to stand up for what we believe is right, and in accordance with the Quaid's will. The youth will play a pivotal part in such an upsurge, and it already has. God help this country in this adverse time of need. Well done, Mahnoor!

  55. Najam Us Saqib3 April 2012 at 12:56

    The youth need to observe and act according to the recent situation and needs to understand the sensitivity of pakistan and contribute for a better,, bigger and stronger pakistan...

  56. Pakistan is no less than any other country it just need a sincere and stronger administration and youth sure is the best option for it .

  57. Sarfaraz Khan Niazi3 April 2012 at 13:03

    the youth is unaware of the current situation and it's pakistan's crucial requirement for them to step forward!

  58. Sikander Bashir3 April 2012 at 13:07

    All the Pakistani HEROES step up from the youth and frighted for Pakistan so now its our job the youth's job be be the next hero for pakistan..

  59. Adeen Bin Waheed3 April 2012 at 13:09

    The youth must take lesson from pakistan's recent situation and must now show their sincerity towards their country!

  60. an appreciable depiction of the state that we are in. kudos to the blogger. now the need arises to take some practical steps so as to bring ourselves up to the task of bringing ourself on the position that this country deserves. the TOP

  61. Stop relaying on these leaders they have been tested many times ,, we should realize and think should we give them another chance to ruin our country or should understannd and step forward as a united youth group

  62. i irrevocably back the blogger's appeal to the youth of this country to at long last, wake up and take some physically palpable steps to improve the gradualyy deteriorating state of this nation

  63. what the author explains quite proficiently here is that we can talk and talk and improvise verbally. this improvisation needs to be practical. i dont know about others but i take the author's words as a wake up call. we need more people like this author and then noone can stop us

  64. the youth of pakistan needs to kiss the hands of this blogger. rather than just prophesizing and assuming about the problems, the author makes an accurate and undeniable picture in front of us and urges us to wake up. wake up, we should. i have no idea what we are waiting for. i need some people, young people to raise a revolution. this author has provided us with a platform. i call upon you all to use it. correspond with the author or me and we'll take it from there. Long live Pakistan

  65. A wake up call for us young people. we need to heed the words of the author and do what the Quaid did for us. pay the right of being the citizen of this country. all we do is expect and do nothing. so it's time to do what we have missed out from. being a true citizen of pakistan. if we give pakistan nothing, we can expect nothing either

  66. the youth of pakistan needs to understand what the blogger has undwerlined; and in an excellent way. practical steps count more than words and promises. so we need to take up
    the challenges and get ourselves up to it

  67. this was awesome. great. a precise and concise explabation. i back and agree with the author. kudos

  68. good article...totally agree with author
