
Sunday 25 March 2012

Pakistan’s Youth – sign of a brighter future

It is high time for a change in Pakistan now. How long can we continue like this? We have been suffering with poverty, energy crises, unemployment, terrorism and many other hurdles which never seem to end.
Change does not only mean to bring in a new political set up or a military takeover. Pakistan has seen plenty of this in the past, but this has never helped the country progress. In fact, we are continuously headed towards a worse situation than ever before, but we do have the ability to come out of this troublesome time.
So the question arises, what needs to be changed? The answer to this is quite simple: every individual in the country needs to realize their role towards the betterment of Pakistan and bring in a revolution within them.
An interesting fact about Pakistan is that its youth is 35 percent of the total population. This percentage reflects young generation aged 25 and below.
This is the highest percentage in the world and the country has the potential to become world leaders in the coming future.
If Pakistan’s youth steps up and take responsibility of this country, no one can stop it from progressing.

Our country can be compared with a company which is struggling for its survival. In time of crisis, only one thing can save the company and that is its people.
Similar is the case with Pakistan. If the people in the country, especially the youth changes itself, things will start improving ultimately.
Change starts from individual level. Each person will have to be aware of their responsibilities towards the society.
Apart from criticizing the political personnel in the country, people need to elect the right leaders during the elections.
At the moment, we are responsible for the current state of the country and only we can change the chaotic situation. No matter what others say about us, I am confident that our future will be in safe hands and InshAllah this country will rule the rest of the world one day.

Awais Mussawar

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