
Saturday 24 March 2012

Globalization has many aspects. It contains important discursive aspects in the form of ideologically charged narratives that put before the public a particular agenda of topics for discussion, question to ask and claims to make. The whole world is accepting and adopting the ways towards the advancement of technology. The youth is playing a vital role in this rapid pace. The strong and mighty cultures are toppling the frail ones. Unfortunately the countries like Pakistan, India and Bangladesh have strong cultural values, norms and customs that are easily fettered by the western cultural onslaught. Our youth is concentrating on some bad choices.
In this global village, firstly our youth was allured to divert their attention towards the internet. They have changed a lot by the usage of internet. A few of them have inclined for knowledge, information, awareness and exposure but the majority of them appear to have misused the internet. To some extent, people were done up and vexed with internet but due to the ensconsment of cellular technology all gaps have been bridged for the destruction of youth.
The telecommunication companies in our country have been inclined towards introducing new and attractive packages for youth like Mobilink (ladies first, happy hours), Warid (zem series), Ufone (public demand, prepay life panch ka pandra, u circle) Telenor (talkshawk Aone, djuice) and Zong’s life package. The question arises why these companies are introducing these packages without the social mobilization to check the mindset of the youth. Are they trying to facilitate the common man or only youth? I think except on very urgent occasions ordinarily no one would like to talk after midnight. All necessary and normal interactions can be dealt with during daytime but the companies offer the packages that start after end of family or business communication. My feeling is that these packages are more likely to spoil and ravage our youth than to do anything else. In our youth segment the majority is student community that is spell bounded by these packages. They are losing the essence of their profession/studies. They are derailing and deviating themselves. They are getting away from their goals, destinies and motives. Their minds are becoming stagnant and static. Creativity and innovation is blocked by the consistent telephonic conversations spread over the whole of night. They are losing their interest towards the interactions and sociality. Alienation is increasing within small community or groups of people. In one room four roommates are strangers to one another. They never try to tie up the relation because they don’t have a pinch of time. By talking whole night with opposite sex, they are getting psychologically weak and pressured. There are many other physical distortions also arising due to spending the precious time which is needed compulsory rest, relaxation, relief and mental health. Due to spending whole nights the absenteeism is skyrocketing in every profession. They are going far and far away from the hold of families. They tell lies and have false communication with their parents. They are betraying the decisions, trust and expectations of their parents. They are traveling towards the lone parent family system in which one is not accountable to anyone and he is the only decision maker. Such kind of behavior is leading towards the social fragmentation and terrible decline of moral values in which respect is core one. They are crossing the restraints and limitations, very essential for the well integrated society. Due to the bogus projection of the companies their effectiveness and determination is diminishing if we put a furtive glimpse on the chart of protests and rallies conducted against the negative policies, the ratio of youth’ contribution is at minor level and seems vanished because they have engrossed in making affairs and spending their potential and energy to locate the suitable packages. Their mental approach is revolving around sexual satisfaction. Other emotions and sentiments are pushed oblivion, there are forgetting that there are so many matters that need their kind attention. They have obsessed devoid of manners and healthy attitude to other requisites and needs. It is obliterating the mental capacity and concentration of the youth like plague. There is a critical and pathetic state prevailing over the sky of our nation. The whole nation is passing through the chaos, disturbance and mental incapacitation. We are not realizing that what is worth of our youth? That’s why we ourselves are paving the way for our youth towards the devastation and shoving them into fire.
The mobile companies have every right to work out innovative packages offering greater value of money to their customers. But they should not making profits by compromising on the interests of the young generation

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