
Sunday 1 April 2012

Identity Crisis


Identity crisis is a word known by many of us, which now best describes the youth of Pakistan. A bit of a background of this word would clarify my notion of calling the youth as the ones facing identity crisis. “Identity crisis is the failure to achieve ego identity during adolescence”. Those of us who fail to achieve cohesive identities- experience an identity crisis- and they tend to exhibit a confusion of roles,not knowing who they are, where they belong, or where they want to go.
This sort of unresolved crisis leaves individuals, in this case youngsters, struggling to “find themselves.” They may go on to seek a negative identity, which may involve crime or drugs or the inability to make defining choices about the future. From the survival point of view it is extremely important for any individual or group, to maintain his/her identity. Identity may be taken as a distinctive characteristic.
In today’s scenario our youngsters are blindly and unconsciously following the western culture, their lifestyle, food, and clothing. Even slang languages and false beliefs about life exist amongst them. Ethics, mannerism and moral values are near extinction. Youngsters are unaware of the conspiracies Jews and Christians are forming against them, in the name of Liberalism. They are teaching our children concepts which the Quran negates.In the Holy Quran, ALLAH says in 5:51 O ye who believe! Take not the Jews and the Christians for your protectors: They are but protectors to each other. And he amongst you that turns to them is of them. Verily Allah guideth not a people unjust.Then why are we following the paths set by Jews and Christians? Why can’t we be the ones to guide them?
Jihad has been given the name of Terrorism. Fear of death prevails among every individual in our country. Youngsters are considered as the ones’ who bring about revolution but it seems as if are youngsters have accepted this life they are living in our country Pakistan. Every individual has forgotten the basic ideology behind attaining this land which now is slowly being taken away from us. Our youngsters don’t have that spirit which united the Muslims of the time when we fought for attaining a land of peace and tranquility, where we could live according to Quran and Sunnah. Our generation sits in cafés, smokes, listens to music and wants to live abroad; they blame the country for not being good enough for them. My question is why can’t these individuals stand up to make this country a better place for living? Our country itself is facing crisis due to the people living in it.
The present day crisis may be classified as political, social, religious and economic identity crisis.On the religious part, the extremist group has developed misconceptions about religion. On the other hand the society is facing a ‘cultural war’ through different media. In such a situation the youth has contradictions with religious implications which are making them unaware of their ideological basis.
In this case, we can’t blame the young mind, as they are not getting proper guidelines and are not being trained in a way that they can find the roots to the purpose of their existence. Secondly, the so called knowledge of religion they are getting is not authentic. Political platforms should be built for the coming generation; they should be empowered within set boundaries, identity education should be provided by institutions and media censorship should be there to put a check on cultural war and violent news. We should improve our religious image at international as well as national level.
In the end, it’s important to speak up but it’s far more important to act accordingly. The identity of a nation is its image, and our image today is of ‘a house being demolished’. This situation is actually showing our lost identity. We have become very concerned about our outer look, forgetting what is inside. Now is the time to develop our inner self. If this process keeps on going with the same velocity, the time is not far when the existence of our identity will vanish altogether.

Faryal Z. Mehdi


  1. very well written, eye-opener for the youth of our nation.. although i do not believe the fact that its the jews ans christians doing that we are obsessed with the west, its just a common lack of self belief thats prevalent in our society as a whole
    but then again these are just my views.
    fab article though well written miss mehdi.

  2. once a wise man said if you have lost your identity you have lost everything. the only thing that will make us stand out of this crowd is your identity. so we should work to preserve it because the youth of Pakistan has definitely forgotten about it. well writtien article keep up the good work faryal

    BBA 4 section C
    Umair Islam

  3. good read. our youth today is definitely in a crisis situation, for which i blame oueself. i believe it started when we started blindly following the west's 'crappie social things' in the name of 'enlighten moderation'.

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